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Opening on 04.05.

Poštovani klijenti,
Ponovno smo otvoreni! Molimo, dezinficirajte ruke pri ulasku. Preporuka je i imati vlastitu masku za lice. Poželjno bi bilo da dođete čiste kose.
Kod čekanja reda ispred barbershopa, držite razmak od 1,5m. Walk-in i dalje ostaje – svi koji dođu unutar radnog vremena, doći će na red.
Također Vas molimo, ukoliko ste bili u kontaktu s oboljelima od COVID-19, imate simptome akutne respiratorne infekcije ili imate stariju osobu u kućanstvu kojoj je oslabljen imunitet, nemojte dolaziti i ugrožavati zdravlje drugih.

Dear clients,
We are pleased to be be open again! Please, disinfect your hands while entering the barbershop. It is recommended to have your own face mask. It is also preferred to come with clean hair.
Wait your turn in front of the barbershop and keep the distance of 1,5m.
Finally, please, if you had a close contact with someone who has COVID-19, you have symptoms of acute respiratory infection or have elderly in your household with a weakened immunity, do not come and endanger the health of others.
Thank you!

Closed due to COVID-19

Poštovani klijenti,
18.04.2020. Nacionalni stožer civilne zaštite produljio je mjere ograničenja u borbi protiv širenja korona virusa za još dva tjedna – do 04.05.  kada i službeno možemo započeti s radom.

Uskoro ćemo objaviti i detalje.
Još malo strpljenja i vidimo se!

american barbershop fade

Walk-ins only!

Kod nas nema rezervacija i naručivanja termina za šišanje – već samo walk-in!
No need to make reservations at Barbershop Zagreb. Just walk-in! It’s that simple. Get your haircut done when you need it at Barbershop Zagreb.



Paris Fashion Week FW2020

Finished Paris Fashion Week by doing hair at Louis Vuitton show today with hairstylist Duffy and his core team. It was an absolute honor to do the shows this season from Saint Laurent, Rick Owens, to Haider Ackermann and Louis Vuitton- the best of the best with one of the world’s top hairstylists.

American Barbershop Zagreb

Working Hours


MONDAY 12:00-19:00
TUESDAY 12:00-19:00
WEDNESDAY 12:00-19:00
THURSDAY 12:00-19:00
FRIDAY 12:00-19:00
SATURDAY 12:00-17:00

No appointments! Walk-ins only!


Kačićeva ul. 10
10000, Zagreb

Copyright © 2022  American Barbershop Zagreb. All Rights Reserved.